Temporomandibular joint is a synovial articulation, formed by condyle of the mandible and glenoid...
One of the long-standing challenges in photography is noise. Noise artifacts are generated from r...
Cryptography, the science of encryption, plays a central role in mobile phone communications, pay...
Wetlands in current Anthropocene are facing severe water quality deterioration resulting from rap...
The book provides sound knowledge of 3D imaging of dentofacial craniofacial region. It guides the...
L'articolazione temporo-mandibolare è un'articolazione sinoviale, formata dal condilo della mandi...
L'articulation temporo-mandibulaire est une articulation synoviale formée par le condyle de la ma...
Visochno-nizhnechelüstnoj sustaw - äto sinowial'noe sochlenenie, obrazowannoe myschelkom nizhnej ...
La articulación temporomandibular es una articulación sinovial, formada por el cóndilo de la mand...
Das Kiefergelenk ist ein synoviales Gelenk, das vom Kondylus des Unterkiefers und der Fossa gleno...
A articulação temporomandibular é uma articulação sinovial, formada pelo côndilo da mandíbula e p...