2010 Reprint of 1958 edition. This thrilling story of the Klondike Gold Rush is at once first-rat...
The story of the Dionne identical quints, born in Ontario Canada in May 1934.
This classic test first published in 1966 has withstood the test of time as a teaching aid for En...
Zaza: A Lyric Comedy, In Four Acts is a play written by Pierre Berton in 1919. The story revolves...
Sarah Bernhardt as I knew her, a classical book, has been considered important throughout the hum...
In 1871, a tiny nation, just four years old — it's population well below the 4 million mark — det...
In the four years between 1881 and 1885, Canada was forged into one nation by the building of the...
Now in paperback: A special edition celebrates the 100th anniversary of the Klondike gold rush --...
In the 1970s, Pierre Berton and his family recreated the trip down the Yukon made by his father, ...
Exploring The Frozen North is the second omnibus in the Pierre Berton's History for Young Canadia...
Over 1.5 million Canadians were on relief, one in five was a public dependant, and 70,000 young m...
Amadis, tragédie, représentée, pour la premiere fois, par l'Académie-Royale de Musique, le 16 jan...