Mark Twain and the Colonel tells the story of America between 1890 and 1910 through the fully eng...
In this incisive work, Michelson traces contemporary debates on the doctrine of God back in time ...
This book explores John Webster's contribution to one of the most important and contested topics ...
'In this new book, Austin Stevenson argues that it is not the 'divinity' of Jesus that causes pro...
'Articulating a coherent and prudent use of christological agency, this volume brings clarity to ...
'By drawing on a diverse range of thinkers from both within and outside of the Catholic tradition...
Through close and sustained analysis of Augustine's exegesis of Scripture, Robinson argues that A...
'This incisive book directly tackles the scholarship of Jonathan Edwards and interrogates the rel...
Walking with Giants tells a personalized history of the United States from the 1850s to the turn ...
In this intimate account, McFarland follows the Beecher clan to the frontier boom town of Cincinn...
Acclaimed historian Philip McFarland illuminates three distinct periods when Nathaniel Hawthorne ...