Dark humor and gritty reality meet in a small, dirty apartment belonging to a man trying to escap...
The MRS Symposium Proceeding series is an internationally recognised reference suitable for resea...
Database system performance is directly related to the efficiency of the system at storing data o...
The thing about my uncle was that I hardly knew him. Uncle Theo kept to himself, some would say h...
Current European strategy restates the importance of rule-of-law principles and sanctions countri...
Meet the residents of Birchmont Village, a close-knit community of quirky characters and eccentrics!
Die Beiträge des vorliegenden Sammelbandes gehen auf die AVXVIII. Tagung der Deutschen Gesellscha...
(Mostly) True Tales from Birchmont Village - The Complete Year
A troubled teen expelled from school learns about life, his family's past, and the cost of family...