Auf der Opernbühne ist der Tenor häufig der herausragende Protagonist. Als glühender Liebhaber od...
Ob die Stimme lyrisch leicht oder schwer ist, ob sie Koloraturen bewältigen kann, vielleicht soga...
Stimmfächer, Fachverträge - gibt es das im heutigen Dienstleistungsbetrieb der Oper noch? Opernsä...
Peter Ling's acclaimed biography of Martin Luther King Jr provides a thorough re-examination of b...
'This book features relevant and evaluative information on research methodology for best outcomes...
This text investigates courseware delivery where resources are based on the World Wibe Web and ar...
The tools used in data collection have the ability to influence the ways information is perceived...
This handbook assists students in understanding statistics and the types of decisions that the se...
There is a renaissance in the use of the term 'scholarship,' as it is being used to define areas ...
The 22nd International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2003) returned to Chicago after an a...
Il Buddhismo Tibetano, una delle più importanti forme del Buddhismo Mahyana conosciuta anche con ...
Martin Luther King Jr.: A Reference Guide to His Life and Works captures his life, his works, and...