In 'Night School 3. Der den Zweifel sät', kämpft die Protagonistin Allie gegen die inneren und äu...
In 'Night School 2. Der den Zweifel sät' kehrt Allie Sheridan nach einer aufregenden Verfolgungsj...
C.J. Daughertys 'Night School 1. Du sollst keinem trauen' entwirft eine fesselnde Welt, die im In...
Der 1928 in Zürich geborene Peter Henrici verbrachte den Grossteil seines Lebens im Ausland: 1947...
Presents applications as well as the basic theory of analytic functions of one or several complex...
Presents applications as well as the basic theory of analytic functions of one or several complex...
Presents applications as well as the basic theory of analytic functions of one or several complex...
Presents applications as well as the basic theory of analytic functions of one or several complex...