Besserman's haunting novel of a modern day Kabbalah encounter is a cautionary tale about the spir...
Jewish mystics from biblical times to the present have explored the hidden secrets of the Torah i...
The red bracelet: it graces the wrists of numerous celebrities--from Madonna to Britney Spears--w...
The revolutionary figures in this book are those innovative, nonconformist Zen masters who often ...
En este libro, los autores presentan un zen sin jerarquías, sin hábitos, un zen puro. Basado en l...
Jewish mystical writings from ancient times to the present are collected here under such headings...
Unraveling the web of ancient traditions hidden in such texts as the Sefer Yetzirah and the Zohar...
Fay's Men traces the adventures and misadventures of Fay Watkins, a Texas-born dancer and spiritu...