In this stunning departure from her mystery writing, Penny Mickelbury's collection of stories God...
No matter how hard she tries to live the quiet life, trouble has a way of grabbing Carole Ann Gib...
Award-winning author and journalist Penny Mickelbury returns to pre-Civil War Philadelphia to con...
Police Captain Gianna Maglione teams up with her journalist girlfriend, Mimi Patterson to uncover...
Esta es una novela que implica al lector desde la primera frase. La acción comienza con el asesin...
When a young black girl is grabbed by rogue slave catchers in 1850s Philadelphia, a runaway slave...
Police Lieutenant Gianna Maglione heads up the DC Police Department's Hate Crimes Unit. She inves...
Award-winning author Penny Mickelbury takes readers on a beautiful and complicated journey throug...