Voting in Old and New Democracies examines voting behavior and its determinants based on 26 surve...
Cataract extraction with intra-ocular lens implantation is a common procedure that in patients wi...
This book examines the domestic electoral consequences of the economic and financial crisis in Eu...
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Intelligen...
Voting in Old and New Democracies examines voting behavior and its determinants based on 26 surve...
A camarinha (Corema album (L.) D.Don 1830) é um arbusto dióico endémico de sistemas dunares da co...
Through a re-examination of the political thought of Max Weber, Carl Schmitt and Hans Kelsen, thi...
Heavily dominated by the sector of information and communication technologies, economic organizat...
By re-examining the political thought of Max Weber, Carl Schmitt and Hans Kelsen, this book offer...
Portugal in the 21st Century provides a thorough yet accessible picture of contemporary Portugal ...
Portugal in the 21st Century provides a thorough yet accessible picture of contemporary Portugal ...
Die Kataraktoperation mit Implantation einer Intraokularlinse ist ein gängiges Verfahren, das bei...