Debates about Basque self-determination were curtailed for decades by political violence, involvi...
Mainstream liberal narratives have often depicted politics as a matter of power and competing int...
This book explores the new debates on Basque sovereignty and statehood that have emerged in the p...
El movimiento obrero en Vizcaya (1967-1977) : ideología, organización y conflitividad
Estamos ante la emergencia de otra manera de participar políticamente, de la exigencia de la demo...
Memoria del antifranquismo en el País Vasco : por qué lo hicimos, 1966-1976
Nacionalista lo eres tú : una propuesta federal-confederal republicana para superar la crisis del...
Nuevos movimientos sociales : de la calle a los ayuntamientos
¿Tienen, otro, futuro los movimientos sociales? : retos, rutinas y sacudidas
Collection of articles on the Basque political system within its own context and larger national ...
The author argues in favor of relational democracy, a theory designed to achieve greater concurre...
The author argues in favor of relational democracy, a theory designed to achieve greater concurre...