John flieht aus dem Gefängnis Richtung Westen, um seinen Jägern in der Weite der Prärie zu entkom...
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The Comprehensive Neurosurgery Board Preparation Book: Illustrated Questions and AnswersBoard cer...
Unravel mysteries and tell stories with data
Stephan Leibfried und Paul Pierson haben ein Buch herausgegeben, in dem zum erstenmal ein Gesamtü...
The welfare states of affluent democracies now stand at the center of political discussion and so...
The contemporary American political landscape has been marked by two paradoxical transformations:...
A wonderful book- certain to be the benchmark study of Welfare states in hard times. Pierson's li...
'As the European Union grows and matures, its movement toward a single market has been the primar...
Drawing together leading scholars, the book provides a revealing new map of the US political econ...
Drawing together leading scholars, the book provides a revealing new map of the US political econ...
Réimpression inchangée de l'édition originale de 1884. La maison d'édition Antigonos est spéciali...
Réimpression inchangée de l'édition originale de 1884. La maison d'édition Antigonos est spéciali...