Wenn von Jamaika die Rede ist, dann denken viele zuerst an Rum, Reggae und Rastas. Heute ist Jama...
2000 Years of Amazing Grace is a very accessible and easy-reading history of Christianity that fo...
Books on the history of the Reformation are filled with the heroic struggles and sacrifices of me...
Drawing on the classic teaching of the atonement as it is presented by St. Paul and other Christi...
Grace in Practice is a challenging call to live life under grace -- a concept most Christians sec...
In this book Paul Zahl seeks a broader understanding of the life and teachings of Jesus. What was...
Everyone wants peace and hope.As we grow older, we feel a special urgency to make peace with th...
This volume tells a story that is virtually unknown today: The Protestant background and history ...
This exciting collection of children's stories are humerous tales of the Caribbean folklore chara...
A user-friendly summary of the essentials of Christian belief.This short systematic theology is ...
Thomas Cranmer's Prayer Book of 1549 is a foundational document of the Anglican Church and a pric...