Moving from a fear-based life to faith-based freedom is a journey that takes time and courage. Wh...
A rebellious teenager Patsy became a high school dropout, a bride at 17, and a parent at 20. Soon...
Acclaimed author and Women of Faith speaker Patsy Clairmont causes women's hearts to leap and the...
If Barbara Johnson has brought comfort to thousands of women, it's not because her life has been ...
Together, forty devotionals told through the authors' diverse voices give a multidimensional view...
The inspirational, Scripture-based guide that offers hope and advice for those scarred by life's ...
Telling inspirational stories of women's brokenness and healing, with tenderness and her trademar...
Women of Faith, renowned for their unique combination of personality and truth, offer fresh new m...
This lighthearted and inspirational collection of brand new devotions shares a message of grace w...
Celebrate the Bond of SisterhoodWhen it comes to sisters, there's plenty to laugh about -- and th...
We all want to live on a peaceful mountaintop where we can look down on the world below without g...
Once upon a pantry shelf lived the sweetest little mouse family ever. . .Meet the MacKenzies. . ....