Caribbean Women at the Crossroads examines the dynamics of decision-making in the lives of Caribb...
Gendered Realities is an interdisciplinary reader that situates the present understanding of Cari...
Sustainable development and the social and economic health of cities during the COVID-19 pandemic...
Lo sviluppo sostenibile e la salute sociale ed economica delle città durante la pandemia COVID-19...
Die nachhaltige Entwicklung und die soziale und wirtschaftliche Gesundheit der Städte während der...
Le développement durable et la santé sociale et économique des villes pendant la pandémie de COVI...
O desenvolvimento sustentável e a saúde social e econômica das cidades durante a pandemia da COVI...
El desarrollo sostenible y la salud social y económica de las ciudades durante la pandemia de COV...
Writing Gender Into the Caribbean
In a unique political partnership, which would last for fifty-four years, Janet Jagan with her hu...