This books is an attempt to cover the module syllabus recommended by UGC. The book is designed an...
The present book entitled Evolutionary Biology & Genetics aims to cover a wide area of cell biolo...
Birds have been considered as useful biological indicators because they are ecologically versatil...
This book presents the concepts, themes and ideas on this Branch. How do species interact with ea...
This books is an attempt to cover the module syllabus recommended by UGC. The book is designed an...
The Foundations of Research Methodology: A Step by Step Guide for the beginners. It has been writ...
Les oiseaux ont été considérés comme des indicateurs biologiques utiles car ils sont écologiqueme...
Ptaki zostäy uznane za u¿yteczne wskäniki biologiczne, poniewä s¿ one ekologicznie wszechstronne ...
Vögel wurden als nützliche biologische Indikatoren betrachtet, weil sie ökologisch vielseitig sin...
Gli uccelli sono stati considerati come utili indicatori biologici perché sono ecologicamente ver...
As aves têm sido consideradas como indicadores biológicos úteis porque são ecologicamente versáte...
Vogels worden beschouwd als nuttige biologische indicatoren omdat ze ecologisch veelzijdig zijn e...