This book summarizes about practices being conducted in clinical endodontics in such a way that s...
Residual dentin is the remaining dentin left during and after instrumentation. In restorative den...
This book lays emphasis on the advances in technology in a way that there is a sincere effort tow...
Endodontic management of the immature permanent tooth with an open apex is a challenge to clinici...
Dit boek legt de nadruk op de vooruitgang in de regeneratie door PRF. De hoofdstukken gaan in op ...
Conventional endodontic therapy failure may happen due to bacterial load which is a potential eti...
Ce livre met l'accent sur les progrès de la régénération par le PRF. Les chapitres couvrent les f...
V ätoj knige sdelan akcent na dostizheniqh PRF w oblasti regeneracii. Glawy ohwatywaüt biologiche...
It is evident from recent literature that the operator would tend to force the instrument leading...
This book summarizes Recent diagnostic aids in Endodontics. Careful attention to diagnostic aids ...
Grundlegendes Wissen über die Faktoren, die an den Verfahrensunfällen beteiligt sind, ist für der...
Dieses Buch legt den Schwerpunkt auf die Fortschritte bei der Regeneration durch PRF. Die Kapitel...