In this innovative reader, Pamela Moss and Karen Falconer Al-Hindi present a unique, reflective a...
In this innovative reader, Pamela Moss and Karen Falconer Al-Hindi present a unique, reflective a...
This provocative work explores concepts of body and space to understand the daily struggles of wo...
This provocative work explores concepts of body and space to understand the daily struggles of wo...
As seen in military documents, medical journals, novels, films, television shows, and memoirs, so...
An engaging introduction to fresh ideas for conceptualizing, enhancing, and assessing OTL.
An engaging introduction to fresh ideas for conceptualizing, enhancing, and assessing OTL.
As seen in military documents, medical journals, novels, films, television shows, and memoirs, so...
Contesting Illness offers valuable insights into the assumptions, practices, and interactions tha...
Contesting Illness offers valuable insights into the assumptions, practices, and interactions tha...