'A thrilling, novelistic work of journalism that uncovers the remarkable and hidden story of Mart...
'Elegant prose and excellent reporting . . . By the time I had finished reading, I had underlined...
Nonfiction is the new black comedy in this hilarious collection of award-winning literary essays ...
In one of the most critically acclaimed novels of recent years, Pagan Kennedy takes readers on a ...
''An important artifact from the underground past...an inspiration for any aspiring artist or any...
Zinester, author, maturing hipster, and graduate of the prestigious Wesleyan University, Pagan Ke...
Win Duncan is at a crossroads in his career when he is summoned by a brilliant chemist from his c...
A largely untold story of an extraordinary historical figure, this biography sheds light on the l...
Güzel günlerin gecmiste kaldigini düsünenlere, gündelik hayatla basa cikamayanlara ve gecip giden...
•STRIPPING AND OTHER STORIES (Serpent's Tail,1994, ISBN 1-85242-322-6) has sold over 3,600 copies.