Multimedia information retrieval focuses on the tools of processing and searching that are applic...
The book brings out importance of investing in derivative market through the factors that influen...
In this era of technological sophistication man is preoccupied with gadgets of every kind. The mo...
This book is highlighted the importance of the contemporaneous relationship between Futures and S...
A distributed implementation of RAND, a randomized time slot scheduling algorithm, called DRAND. ...
As tendências atuais no surto, manifestação clínica, fisiopatologia e manejo de várias doenças in...
In diesem Buch werden die aktuellen Trends beim Ausbruch, der klinischen Manifestation, der Patho...
Le tendenze attuali nello scoppio, nella manifestazione clinica, nella fisiopatologia e nella ges...
V ätoj knige budut rassmotreny sowremennye tendencii w wozniknowenii, klinicheskih proqwleniqh, p...
The current trends in the outbreak, clinical manifestation, pathophysiology, and management of va...
Les tendances actuelles en matière d'épidémies, de manifestations cliniques, de pathophysiologie ...
En este libro se tratarán las tendencias actuales sobre el brote, la manifestación clínica, la fi...