In Why We Vote, renowned legal scholar Owen Fiss offers a bold and daring reconstruction of judic...
After decades of hand-wringing and well-intentioned efforts to improve inner cities, ghettos rema...
Professor Fiss examines contemporary free-speech issues in the context of the collision of libera...
Placing the decisions of the Supreme Court under Justice Fuller in their historical context.
Freedom of expression, long an issue that united liberals, now serves to drive them apart. This b...
Al presentarnos las semblanzas apasionantes de trece juristas que dieron forma al mundo legal dur...
The constitutional theorist Owen Fiss explores the purpose and possibilities of life in the law t...
This multi-volume work, reprinted by Cambridge University Press, represents a definitive history ...
The Law As It Could Be gathers Fiss's most important work on procedure, adjudication and public r...
'Owen Fiss has been a leading legal scholar for over thirty years, yet before 2001 it would have ...