The third book in the Homes of Healing trilogy introduces us to Tess, a romance writer, who pride...
In this last instalment of the Guthrie's Lot series, it is now 2010. The original Guthrie cottage...
In this newest offering from Olwyn Harris, we meet the heartbroken and downtrodden Eliza-Beth Per...
In the second instalment of the Guthrie's Lot series, it is now the late 1960s. Here we meet Irvi...
In this first instalment of the Guthrie's Lot series, set in the late 1800s, we meet Irvin Guthri...
In the 2nd book in the Gem of Australia series, we again travel with Andi and Jo back in time. On...
The Bush Olympics, written by Olwyn Harris and beautifully illustrated by Shelly Askew, shows us ...
In the 2nd book in this series, we meet Meg.Meg's life has been turned upside-down, with her husb...
'For Maggie, the mythical Minotaur represented Romance - half man, half beast. The Minotaur was a...
'There is no way,' she thought, 'that I am going to use this!'She had desperately searched their ...
When Matthew Lawson's three sons were born, he wrote each of them a letter outlining his hopes an...
In true Olwyn Harris style, this first book in the 'Pioneers of Grace' series takes us on a journ...