Sixteen year-old Gary, desperate for a girlfriend, finds a pair of time-specs in a London park. T...
Widowed sci-fi writer, Simon Carswell, burdened by guilt from the past, can't understand why his ...
In a post-apocalyptic Scotland ruled by women, Solem escapes from Man Camp 7, helped by a woman c...
Caitlin and sister Rhona full prey to a Kelpie inhabiting a famous Scottish waterfall. Transforme...
Dylan, in love with classmate Alice, who lives next door, despairs of ever impressing her after h...
Rachel, a Texan schoolgirl, takes her hamster, Waffles, for a secret ride on the strange carousel...
In The Merging, the Texan teenagers, certain that they were married in the distant past, and with...
Golden Jaguar of the Sun blurb for Mauve Square website previewGeeky Texan ninth grader, Adam Win...
Larry, an Edinburgh schoolboy, defies his doctor father, during COVID-19 lockdown, to meet with f...
A collection of fifty-four short stories by a prize-winning novelist inspired by family connectio...
With minute attention to historical detail, this beautifully written novel is at once a murder my...