The Romance of Arthur, James J. Wilhelm's classic anthology of Arthurian literature, is an essent...
First published in 1996. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
First published in 1993. This volume is th author's observations of his reading of Fabliaux in or...
The focus of this book is medieval vernacular literature in Western Europe. Chapters are written ...
Published in 1992, this text discusses Les Voeux du Heron, a short text, comprising only 442 line...
The French Lancelot-Grail Cycle (also known as the Vulgate Cycle) and the slightly later Post-Vul...
First Published in 1993. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Featuring three original and 14 classic essays, this volume examines literary representations of ...
First published in 1993. This volume is th author's observations of his reading of Fabliaux in or...
Published in 1989: A translation of Beroul's twelfth century Tristran from the Old French. Discus...
The French Lancelot-Grail Cycle (also known as the Vulgate Cycle) and the slightly later Post-Vul...
The Lancelot-Grail Reader showcases in a single volume significant episodes from Garland's comple...