A disabled Civil War veteran makes an epic, westward journey toward a fateful encounter with auth...
A black comedy touched with absurdity and a philosophical bent that puts the torch to middle-clas...
A dark and marvelous journey from the Industrial Age through Hollywood’s Golden Age, into the Dig...
Aykiri, kisa, kirli hikayeler Boguntulu Masallarda; sular altinda sehirler, odalarda yagan yagmur...
In the first American Novels series book, Huck Finn's mythic adventures-and childhood-abruptly en...
In the seventh American Novels series book, a young woman joins Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady ...
In the fourth American Novels series book, Henry David Thoreau's principles are tested when a you...
'The fourth self-contained volume of The American Novels series tells the story of Samuel Long, w...
In the third American Novels series book, a young surgical assistant faces his doppelgänger in a ...
In the eighth American Novels series book, Nathaniel Hawthorne pens a new tale to exact revenge o...
In Java, a master of the shadow-puppet theater seeks to possess a woman, who perishes as though b...
In the fifth American Novels series book, a nineteenth-century army chaplain confesses his loss o...