The text emphasizes the importance of modeling in the initial design phase of a composite compone...
The work provides a comprehensive examination of techniques and challenges that underpin the effe...
Apart from industrial robots there is another class of robots which are of interest to space indu...
Fibro osseous lesions (FOLs) are a generic designation of poorly defined group of lesions which a...
This book is highlighting the Indian Financial System; it continues to focus on emerging organiza...
Pomimo promyshlennyh robotow suschestwuet esche odin klass robotow, kotorye predstawlqüt interes ...
Neben den Industrierobotern gibt es eine weitere Klasse von Robotern, die aufgrund ihrer leichten...
Além dos robôs industriais, há outra classe de robôs que são de interesse para a indústria espaci...
Oltre ai robot industriali c'è un'altra classe di robot che sono di interesse per l'industria spa...
Outre les robots industriels, il existe une autre catégorie de robots qui présentent un intérêt p...
Además de los robots industriales, hay otra clase de robots que interesan a la industria espacial...
Anomalies of the craniofacial complex are of major significance not only to dental health but to ...