Il biomimetismo è un approccio interdisciplinare. Non solo unisce l'approccio conservativo dell'o...
Biomimetika - äto mezhdisciplinarnyj podhod. On ob#edinqet ne tol'ko konserwatiwnyj podhod stomat...
The casting process is an essential part of the modern practice of dentistry. The elimination of ...
Today, nearly all computation is done digitally but then so why to bother with analog computation...
Biomimetic is an interdisciplinary approach. Not only it unites the conservative approach of dent...
Die Biomimetik ist ein interdisziplinärer Ansatz. Sie vereint nicht nur den konservativen Ansatz ...
In these modern days the Buildings are made to fulfill our basic aspects and better Serviceabilit...
Water bodies and river courses are undergoing rapid changes world over. Their environmental, soci...
Biomimética é uma abordagem interdisciplinar. Não só une a abordagem conservadora da odontologia ...
Le biomimétisme est une approche interdisciplinaire. Elle unit non seulement l'approche conservat...
Biomimetyka jest podej¿ciem interdyscyplinarnym. Nie tylko ¿¿czy konserwatywne podej¿cie do stoma...
Biomimetisch is een interdisciplinaire benadering. Het verenigt niet alleen de conservatieve bena...