Triglycerides have been shown to be a biochemical predictor of newborn weight and risk of large f...
Wound healing is a complex and dynamic process of restoring cellular structures and tissue layers...
The menopause, the last menses, marks the end of female's reproductive capacity. It is a normal d...
There has been a move towards using alternative medicine as a treatment for menopausal problems. ...
Infertility is defined as inability to conceive after one year of unprotected sexual intercourse....
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is an important health issue affecting reproductive women toda...
Die Wundheilung ist ein komplexer und dynamischer Prozess der Wiederherstellung von Zellstrukture...
Leczenie ran to z¿o¿ony i dynamiczny proces przywracania struktur komórkowych i warstw tkanek. Ba...
La guarigione delle ferite è un processo complesso e dinamico di ripristino delle strutture cellu...
La cicatrisation des plaies est un processus complexe et dynamique de restauration des structures...
A cura de feridas é um processo complexo e dinâmico de restauração de estruturas celulares e cama...
Wondgenezing is een complex en dynamisch proces van herstel van celstructuren en weefsellagen. De...