Salute the Latino legends, pioneers, and trailblazers! Celebrate the Hispanic milestones, accompl...
Salute the Latino legends, pioneers, and trailblazers! Celebrate the Hispanic milestones, accompl...
Immigration has been one of the basic realities of life for Latino communities in the United Stat...
Kanellos compiles historial literature on the Christmas theme by Hispanic Americans from the late...
Hispanic theatre flourished in the United States from the mid-nineteenth century until the beginn...
H'erencia (meaning 'inheritance' or 'heritage') is the first anthology to bring together literatu...
A celebration of people and pride! Explore the achievements and contributions of Latinos in the U...
A tragic novel of one immigrant's downfall and disgrace in New York City This is the English tran...
This four-volume series is edited by noted scholars Nicolas Kanellos (University of House) and Cl...
Originally published in 1928, 'Don Chipote' is an unknown classic of American literature, dealing...
The Eighth Grade Dance and Other Memories El Baile de Octavo Y Otros Recuerdos
Cuando Mexico Se (Re)Apropia de Texas When Mexico Recaptures Texas: Ensayos Essays