'Seven months after the tragic events that unfold in The Blue Place, Aud is rebuilding a log cabi...
'The first of Nicola Griffith's beloved sapphic crime series, the novel that introduced the fierc...
'In intertwined Seattle and Atlanta narratives, Aud is shocked, challenged, drugged, blown up, an...
She awoke in an alley to the splash of rain. She was naked, a foot-long gash in her back was stil...
Nur wenn es brenzlig wird, fühlt sich die junge norwegische Selbstverteidigungs-Expertin Aud Torv...
Winner of the Lambda and Tiptree Awards • 'A knockout . . . Strong, likable characters, a compell...
'Michael Williams is a family man. A reliable man at both work and home. When he disappears, ther...
A masterwork of feminist SF - winner of the 1997 NEBULA AWARD for Best Novel.
'First works from science fiction greats'--Cover.
From the author of Hild, a fierce and urgent autobiographical novel about a woman facing down a f...
The James Tiptree Jr Award-winning novel.Change or die. These are the only options available on t...
In the much anticipated sequel to Hild, Nicola Griffith's Menewood transports readers back to sev...