Though best known for his drama and fiction, Oscar Wilde was also a pioneering critic. He introdu...
The holiday would be an adventure, sleeping away from home for the first time in strange surround...
Matthew has come with his mother to the north Norfolk coast where she has rented a cottage in the...
Nominated for the Carnegie Medal. Nicholas Wilde's third novel, Down Came a Blackbird, probes dee...
Serving prison time with hard labor for the crime of gross indecency, Oscar Wilde wrote some of h...
The Annotated Importance of Being Earnest provides facing-page commentary on Oscar Wilde¿s greate...
An innovative new edition of nine classic short stories from one of the greatest writers of the V...
The Picture of Dorian Gray altered the way Victorians understood the world they inhabited, herald...
Over 120 years after Oscar Wilde submitted The Picture of Dorian Gray for publication, the uncens...