Globalization is a historical event that emerged as a great phenomenon in the west since the 90s....
The world we live in is called the world of communication. With the help of satellites and the in...
Lorsque je demande aux élèves s'ils connaissent les types de tests, ils répondent : 'Y a-t-il des...
When I ask the students that they are familiar with the types of tests, they answer, are there ty...
Cuando pregunto a los alumnos si conocen los tipos de pruebas, me responden: ¿hay tipos de prueba...
Quando pergunto aos alunos se conhecem os tipos de testes, eles respondem: existem tipos de teste...
Wenn ich die Schülerinnen und Schüler frage, ob sie mit den verschiedenen Arten von Tests vertrau...
Quando chiedo agli studenti di conoscere i tipi di test, mi rispondono: ci sono tipi di test? Nel...
Die Beschleunigung der Umweltveränderungen und -transformationen hat ein enges Wettbewerbsumfeld ...
L'accelerazione dei cambiamenti e delle trasformazioni ambientali ha creato un ambiente competiti...
The acceleration of environmental changes and transformations has created a tight competitive env...
L'accélération des changements et des transformations de l'environnement a créé un environnement ...