Cormac McCarthy meets The Martian in this chilling tale of Mars first colony, fallen to madness a...
Years ago, in a cave beneath the dense forests and streams on the surface of the moon, a gargantu...
Lovecraftian horror meets the wildly inventive mind of Shirley Jackson award-winning author Natha...
Nathan Ballingrud's award winning debut collection is a cornerstone of contemporary horror fictio...
Soon to be an original series, Monsterland, on Hulu. Nathan Ballingrud's Shirley Jackson Award wi...
Crypt of the Moon Spider is a dark and dreamy fantasy about greed, corruption, and selfhood. Toge...
“Stretch[es] the boundaries of the genre...It’s horrifying, but there’s beauty.” —The New York Ti...
Previously published as North American Lake Monsters. Monsterland is a new anthology TV series fr...
'Ellen Datlow ... has compiled her quintessential collection of ghost stories and writers'--Dust ...
Bu kitapta yazarin pesinden cehenneme seve seve gidip belki geri geleceksiniz. Paul TremblayNatha...
1931, New Galveston, Mars: Fourteen-year-old Anabelle Crisp sets off through the wastelands of th...
';Stretches the boundaries of the genre.' The New York Times 1931, New Galveston, Mars: Fourteen-...