Die sanften Riesen der WeltmeereEs gibt viele Legenden über Wale, sowohl in der mündlichen Überli...
Mit dem eigenen Schatten spielen, dem heulenden Wind zuhören, die Wolken in den Schneeflocken sch...
Wilde Mähne - freudige ÜberraschungSie lässt sich einfach nicht bändigen - diese wilde Mähne, die...
Linguistic Variation: Confronting Fact and Theory honors Shana Poplack in bringing together contr...
Linguistic Variation: Confronting Fact and Theory honors Shana Poplack in bringing together contr...
A big night out can be graduation, a prom, a family wedding, confirmation, or Bar or Bat Mitzvah....
'When a dog named Dutch hears the gardener going down the stairs each morning, he anticipates her...
Thanks to her wild head of hair, Malie gets all tangled up with an unexpected cast of characters ...
Sarah and Charlie hunt down the biggest puddle in the world with their grandfather in this fun in...
'The young girl tells us that her mom's new friend is just like the big bad wolf. At first the wo...
'The child in this story observes the sun by playing with her shadow, though sometimes it disappe...
Wishing to float unseen, extremely shy cloud Kumo decides to pull her fluff together and do her d...