BAAD bedeutet leichte Brise und NASEEM bedeutet mit Blumendüften getränkte frische Briese. Also '...
Khulday bedeutet das Paradies und Naseem bedeutet mit Blumendüften getränkte frische Brise. Also ...
Plant tissue culture (PTC) technology has gained unassailable success for its various commercial ...
Plant biotechnology is a most interesting branch for academicians and researchers in recent past....
Bazmay Naseem bedeutet Naseems Party. Eine Literarisches Zusammen sein mit Poesie.
The book and work conducted will help the students, researchers and other experts working in the ...
Tuberculose in de longen is de meest voorkomende infectie onder de mycobacteriële ziekten bij de ...
La tuberculose pulmonaire est l'infection la plus courante parmi les maladies mycobactériennes ch...
World is changing faster than ever due to the rapid advancement in the use of technology. It is a...
Anwaaray Basheer bedeutet die gesegnetes Licht ausstrahlende (Nuur Noor) von Basheer. Basheer ode...
Vehicular communication is of great importance for safety and entertainment purposes. Vehicles ar...
Legochnyj tuberkulez qwlqetsq naibolee rasprostranennoj infekciej sredi mikobakterial'nyh zabolew...