In India nearly 32.7 per cent i.e. 40.7 millions population is living below the International pov...
In the last two decades nearly 1,83,000 landless labourers, marginal and small farmers have commi...
Indian agriculture is overwhelmingly a small farmers enterprise with proportion of small and marg...
India is the second largest producer of rice in the world. But as the rice productivity is concer...
The present agriculture scenario in Punjab is facing tremendous pressure owing to fragmentation o...
Lack of institutional credit has remained a major constraint in the development of agriculture se...
India since 1950 s has invested more than Rs. 170 billions (US $ 4 billions) on Watershed Develop...
Depuis les années 1950, l'Inde a investi plus de 170 milliards de roupies (4 milliards de dollars...
Dal 1950 l'India ha investito più di 170 miliardi di Rs. 170 miliardi (4 miliardi di dollari USA)...
Indien hat seit den 1950er Jahren mehr als 170 Milliarden Rupien (4 Milliarden US-Dollar) in Prog...
India heeft sinds 1950 meer dan 170 miljard Rs (4 miljard dollar) geïnvesteerd in ontwikkelingspr...
Od lat 50-tych XX wieku Indie zainwestowäy ponad 170 miliardów rupii (4 miliardy dolarów) w progr...