An examination of struggles for national sovereignty and social justice as seen through patriotic...
Nancy Love&BAD:rsquo;s concise yet complete volume aims to inform students of their choices among...
For school principals, there are manydifferent routes to success, and there just as many ways tom...
Ideologies influence not only our politics, but also our basic societal values, our socialization...
A Data Coach's Guide to Improving Learning for All Students is an exceptional resource for anyone...
Doing Democracy: Activist Art and Cultural Politics
Musical metaphors abound in political theory and music often accompanies political movements, yet...
Explores how white supremacist groups use popular music and culture to teach hate and promote vio...
Rev. ed. of: Biological wastewater treatment Biological wastewater treatment C.P. Leslie Grady, J...
How music functions as a metaphor and model for democracy
Winner of an AJN Book of the Year Award of 2020!