When Anthony, Earl of Wilshire, journeys to India on an undercover mission to investigate a myste...
From the publisher of the USA TODAY bestselling Timeless Romance Anthology series, comes our new ...
A MERRY DANCE by Josi S. Kilpack. When Lila overhears her uncle talking about a man coming to loo...
Three women scholars. Three lives changed. And a dash of romance.Blessing in Disguise by Sarah M....
BREAKFAST AT SOMMERPOOL'S by Nancy Campbell Allen:As Tessa Baker competes for the supervisor prom...
'Amelie Hampton is a hopeless romantic who offers relationship advice to individuals who place 'l...
'Dr. Isla Cooper must travel to Port Lucy in Jamaica to locate the witch that placed a spell on h...
'Detective-Inspector Oliver Reed is assigned to guard social activist Emme O'Shea on her trip to ...
Includes discussion questions and the prequel novelette Marie's story.
Jack would rather stay at sea than fix the mistakes of his grandfather, the late Earl of Stanswor...