Natural Scaffolds for Prevention and Treatment of Neurodegenerative Disorders will provide compil...
This book covers smart monitoring and control of power transmission and distribution systems. It ...
Genomics research has great potential to revolutionize the discipline of plant breeding. Pigeonpe...
This research is an empirical study for securing digital-trade semantic web services from malicio...
Questa ricerca è uno studio empirico per la messa in sicurezza dei servizi web semantici del comm...
Dannoe issledowanie predstawlqet soboj ämpiricheskoe issledowanie po obespecheniü bezopasnosti se...
Cette recherche est une étude empirique visant à sécuriser les services web sémantiques du commer...
Diese Forschungsarbeit ist eine empirische Studie zur Absicherung von semantischen Webdiensten fü...
Esta investigación es un estudio empírico para asegurar los servicios web semánticos de comercio ...
Esta investigação é um estudo empírico para assegurar serviços semânticos de comércio digital de ...
The text highlights the designing of efficient, wearable, and textile antennas for medical and wi...
This book focuses on the various challenges arising in power systems and how AI techniques help t...