Quiet Dialogue Between a Muslim and a non-Muslim
All praise is for Allah, Lord of the worlds, Originator of the heavens andthe earth, Former of da...
Polowye gormony, predstawlennye w osnownom gonadotropami i androgenami, imeüt mehanizmy wzaimodej...
Sex hormones; mainly represented by the gonadotropins and androgens; have an interacting mechanis...
Les hormones sexuelles, principalement représentées par les gonadotrophines et les androgènes, on...
Sexualhormone, hauptsächlich vertreten durch die Gonadotropine und Androgene, haben eine Wechselw...
Gli ormoni sessuali; rappresentati principalmente dalle gonadotropine e dagli androgeni; hanno un...
Hormony p¿ciowe; reprezentowane g¿ównie przez gonadotropiny i androgeny; maj¿ mechanizmy wspó¿dzi...
Os hormônios sexuais; representados principalmente pelas gonadotropinas e andrógenos; têm um meca...
Sekshormonen; voornamelijk vertegenwoordigd door de gonadotropen en androgenen; hebben een wissel...
Las hormonas sexuales, representadas principalmente por las gonadotropinas y los andrógenos, tien...
{Verily, those who divide their religion and break up into sects, you have no concern in them in ...