In the distant future, a survival test strands ten space cadets ona derelict spacecraft. Terror s...
'MERCY,' Part Two The tale of kink and metal continues as Ally and Alanride their rollercoaster o...
Based on the classic horror manga Parasyte by Hitoshi Iwaaki!Includes new tales of parasitic horr...
In the conclusion of the shojo manga pioneer's sci-fi mystery, a man tries to save his son before...
Leo Omori is not your everyday elementary school kid. He's actually a two-year-old house cat! But...
One of the best-selling manga - by one of the most decorated cartoonists in the world - comes to ...
Spanning four decades, A Drunken Dream and Other Stories is a selection of groundbreaking short s...
This groundbreaking young adult vampire series was created by a pioneer of the shojo shonen-ai ma...
The complete run of the groundbreaking young adult vampire series created by Moto Hagio, a shojo ...