The struggle of the Irish people for independence is one of the epic tales of the 20th century. M...
The Irish Century series is the narrative of the epic struggle of the Irish people for independen...
At last, the haunting sequel to Morgan Llywelyn's phenomenal epic Druids. The GreenerShore unfurl...
This collection of stories including 'Veronica's Gift', 'Porch Swing', and 'A View of Wickerwork'...
From Morgan Llywelyn, the bestselling author of Lion of Ireland and the Irish Century series, com...
'Lion of Ireland' was a national bestseller when it was first published in the early 1980s. Its m...
Morgan Llywelyn's Bard: The Odyssey of the Irish is the tale of the coming of the Irish to Irelan...
Morgan Llywelyn, author of the Irish Century series of historical novels and for Lion of Ireland,...
Morgan Llywelyn's masterly epic, The Irish Century, continues in 1949, a sequel to 1916 and 1921....
Bestselling author Morgan Llywelyn continues her near-future, apocalyptic thriller Step by Step t...
Ned Halloran lost both his parents-and almost his own life-in the sinking of the Titanic. Determi...
At age fifteen, Ned Halloran lost both of his parents--and almost his own life--when the Titanic ...