Her goal: to become a world-renowned biomedical engineer working with scientific societies to imp...
This book presents the extraordinary story of a Bolognese woman of the settecento. Laura Maria Ca...
Part II of Health Care Engineering begins with statistics on the occurrence of medical errors and...
Increasingly, biomedical scientists and engineers are involved in projects, design, or research a...
The first chapter describes the health care delivery systems in Canada and in the U.S. This is fo...
This book discusses the legacy of the conference series The International Conferences of Women En...
This book discusses the legacy of the conference series The International Conferences of Women En...
The Bold and the Brave investigates how women have striven throughout history to gain access to e...
In her touching and inspiring memoirs, leading engineer Monique (Aubry) Frize, O.C., recounts her...
In her touching and inspiring memoirs, leading engineer Monique (Aubry) Frize, O.C., recounts her...