This two-volume study traces developments in English narrative structure from the late Middle Age...
An Introduction to Narratology is an accessible, practical guide to narratological theory and ter...
Der vorliegende Sammelband führt Beiträge zu 'Law as Literature' aus den Bereichen der Literaturw...
Monika Fludernik presents a detailed analysis of free indirect discourse as it relates to narrati...
Die 'Bausteine einer Ethik des Strafens' fußen auf der Annahme, dass die Strafe ein notwendiges u...
Die Beiträge des Bandes zeigen, dass die disziplinäre Begegnung zwischen Sprach- und Literaturwis...
Die ganze Welt erzählt. Sie tut es zu unterschiedlichsten Zwecken und in unterschiedlichsten Medi...
This volume is co-edited by the director of the Freiburg graduate school 'Factual and Fictional N...
In this innovative collection, an international group of scholars come together to discuss litera...
In this innovative collection, an international group of scholars come together to discuss litera...
Fludernik provides a detailed analysis of free indirect discourse as it relates to narrative theo...
This book contributes significantly to Law and Literature studies. Arguing for the political rele...