These authors, all deeply dedicated to the telling of an African story, are committed to righting...
A clear, critical, accessible, and ultimately hopeful discovery voyage through the seas of Du Boi...
A clear, critical, accessible, and ultimately hopeful discovery voyage through the seas of Du Boi...
Spear Masters contends that in Africa there exists only one religion with a vast array of 'denomi...
Although traditional academic circles rarely celebrate the work of African or African American th...
Now in paperback, this indispensable volume summarizes the state of the art in international, int...
Rooming in the Master's House is a strikingly original portrait of the black conservative movemen...
Afrocentricity allows the student of human culture investigating African phenomena to view the wo...
The Global Intercultural Communication Reader is the first anthology to take a distinctly non-Eur...
Transcultural Realities is an important collection of essays written by an outstanding cast of cr...
What is a person to do with the pain, anger, fear, frustration, and dismay of Black defamation an...
Facing South to Africa is a bold synthesis of the ideas that have made Afrocentric theorists the ...