This book identifies, evaluates and reports the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the physical,...
The history of humanity is interwoven with the presence of disasters, spanning across ages and cu...
'Natural Resources and Society: Understanding the Complex Relationship Between Humans and the Env...
Die Geschichte der Menschheit ist durchzogen von Katastrophen, die sich über Zeitalter und Kultur...
L'histoire de l'humanité est tissée de catastrophes, à travers les âges et les cultures. Ces évén...
Istoriq chelowechestwa perepletena s katastrofami, kotorye proishodili w raznye äpohi i w raznyh ...
La storia dell'umanità è intessuta dalla presenza di disastri, che attraversano epoche e culture ...
La historia de la humanidad está entretejida con la presencia de catástrofes que atraviesan época...
A história da humanidade está entrelaçada com a presença de catástrofes, que atravessam épocas e ...
This book identifies, evaluates and reports the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the physical,...
'Natural Resources and Society: Understanding the Complex Relationship Between Humans and the Env...
This book serves as a comprehensive and insightful guide to the strategies and mechanisms that un...