Some management theorists believe that Muslim organizations across the globe have internalized we...
S. aureus a common pathogen causing serious problems & infections to human health, methicillin re...
This is a Classical Arabic Grammar book for those who want to learn Arabic to read and understand...
Les condensateurs de puissance sont généralement utilisés dans les sous-stations pour compenser l...
Kondensatory POWER obychno ispol'zuütsq na podstanciqh dlq kompensacii koäfficienta moschnosti na...
Leistungskondensatoren werden im Allgemeinen in Umspannwerken eingesetzt, um den Leistungsfaktor ...
I condensatori di potenza sono generalmente utilizzati nelle sottostazioni per compensare il fatt...
Os condensadores POWER são geralmente utilizados em subestações para compensar o fator de potênci...
Micro technique is the preparation and staining of tissue sections from surgical or autopsy mater...
POWER capacitors are generally utilized in substations to compensate power factor at load side as...
Large industrial motors are used for auxiliary operations in industrial establishments like cemen...
Este livro é destinado a cientistas e estudantes de pós-graduação que precisam entender e executa...