In the light of the climate changes which consider one of the most serious environmental challeng...
The trend towards natural ingredients and products promoting health and well-being is likely to i...
Gli obiettivi del presente lavoro sono stati: (A) Studiare l'impatto di diversi livelli di dimens...
Die Ziele der vorliegenden Arbeit waren: (A) Untersuchung der Auswirkungen der verschiedenen Eben...
Celqmi nastoqschej raboty byli: (A) Izuchenie wliqniq razlichnyh urownej razmera chastic nerastwo...
Les objectifs du présent travail étaient : (A) Étudier l'impact de différents niveaux de taille d...
Los objetivos del presente trabajo fueron: (A) Estudiar el impacto de diferentes niveles de tamañ...
Os objectivos do presente trabalho eram: (A) Estudar o impacto de diferentes níveis de partículas...
The objectives of the present work were: (A) Study the impact of different levels of particle siz...
Die doppelte Herausforderung des weltweiten Hungers und des Klimawandels hat die Dringlichkeit er...
Le duplici sfide della fame nel mondo e del cambiamento climatico hanno intensificato l'urgenza d...
The dual challenges of global hunger and climate change have intensified the urgency to explore s...