Seit 3000 Jahren ein Allround-HeilmittelSchwarzkümmel wird im Orient schon seit über 3000 Jahren ...
Im Alten Ägypten war die Ähnlichkeit ein zentraler Wert und die Nachahmung galt als eine Tugend. ...
Java brings more functionality and versatility to the world of mobile devices, but it also introd...
The marine environment of the Red Sea coast of Yemen Republic is subjected to contamination by po...
This book aimed to develop a mathematical model used as design tool in order to increase the effi...
A fishery in the Republic of Yemen is an essential source of income for citizens. The marine envi...
Project Report from the year 2002 in the subject Agrarian Studies, National Research Center - Agr...
The accumulation of lipid peroxide-derived aldehydes and ketones generated by the oxidation of po...
Progressive muscular dystrophy refers to a group of hereditary myopathies characterized by progre...
Carbon nanotubes belong to new nanomaterials and have been known for almost 20 years, but their h...
Metals with biodegradation characteristics are considered to be unique biomaterials which orthope...
This book focused on effectiveness of NDTs for detection of concrete deterioration or defects. Te...