Archaeologies of Presence is a brilliant exploration of how the performance of presence can be un...
In Experiencing the Past Michael Shanks presents an animated exploration of the character of arch...
Theatre Archaeology is a provocative challenge to disciplinary practice and intellectual boundari...
It is hard to think of any significant aspect of our lives that is not influenced by what we have...
Widely known as an innovative figure in contemporary archaeology, Michael Shanks has written a ch...
Archaeologists do not discover the past but take the fragmentary remains which they recover and m...
Stargate: Kom.SG-1 Comp. BOX(DVD) 62DVD Stackpack im Schuber, Bonusdisc
Unser bisheriger Preis:ORGPRICE: 86,99 €
Theatre Archaeology is a brilliant and provocative challenge to disciplinary practice and intelle...
Archaeologies of Presence shows how the performance of presence can be understood in relationship...
Life's about choices; choose to smoke, choose to go home or stay out, choose to study or fuck abo...
Classical Archaeology of Greece is for anyone who shares a fascination for the material remains o...
Archaeological theory and method have recently become the subject of vigorous debate centred on t...