--Pastor Marilyn Bailey, Teleios Church, Johannesburg, South Africa
When you hear the word Zion, what comes to mind? As Christians, we've sung the choruses and the h...
The Bible has a lot to say about leaven and its effects upon the Believer. Leaven as an ingredien...
For those of you who don't know it already, the Church that Jesus Christ is building is not an or...
What kind of church does God need in the earth today to powerfully impact the nations for Christ ...
In every dispensation, in every move of God's Holy Spirit to bring restoration and reformation to...
Have you ever wondered about life and all its intricacies? Why are we here on planet earth? What'...
In a season where the Church co-exists harmoniously with truth and error, this book provides us w...
In this book before you the author has been engaged in pondering several subjects and as such, de...